Sound and music for the unveiling of the Arpabong™
We've been asked to curate sound design and music for the launch of the Arpabong, a mysterious recreational design pieace halfway between a musical instrument and a filtration device.The objective was not only to make the Arpabong known but to create a story telling in order to open the door to a world of research and experimentation.We wanted to create an immersive sound experience that combined the world of music with that of cannabis.
The first part of our work consisted of recording the Arpabong strings in various locations and using different miking techniques. This was to convey the various sound nuances of the instrument. The Arpabong can be played acoustically but is also equipped with an internal pick up to output its line signal in order to be able to use external effects to change the nature of its sound.We used analog effects such as overdrive pedals, spring reverbs and tape delays to create the most industrial and harsh sounds which we then used during the soundtracking phase.The various recordings of arpeggios, chords and single strings were later used to demonstrate the wide range of creative possibilities that the instrument offers through studio editing work.Open and dreamy chords that show the most ethereal soul of the Arpabong have been combined with hyper-processed sounds that instead show the potential for sound design experimentation offered using the line output.
As the last part of our work we created the voice that reads the text that we hear in voice over during the video.After trying several human voices we decided to use speech synthesis. The voice created by this technology sounds partly human and partly robotic and, given the nature of the text, was perfect for capturing its visionary and psychedelic character. We wanted to create a dynamic and ever-changing voice to make the voiceover interesting. We then asked the software to read the same text using different accents each time. We decided to create a continuous oscillation of accents in the voice. The result reflects the multicultural soul of the world to which the Arpabong refers.
"The Arpabong is a toy for the mind, a sound transmission instrument with special acoustic and material properties. Its hybrid nature allows it to act as an intermediary between the world of alternative botanic and musical experimentation. With its symbolism - free approach, the Arpabong identifies cultivation and consumption practices as a form of extension - liberalization of human and creative needs"
About the Arpabong
The harp is considered to be one of the oldest musical instruments in the world, while hemp is possibly one of the earliest plants to have been cultivated. Dating back to ancient Egypt, both music and cannabis have gone hand-in hand throughout history. Today Slam Jam takes a fresh new look at this long-standing relationship by creating the Arpabong, a symbiotic multi-functional object that merges a harp with a bong and celebrates the harmony between marijuana and melodies.
Weed has fueled a long list of legendary bangers. From Louis Armstrong to Aphex Twin, musicians have written jams high on reefer and composed songs about the herb itself. Entire music genres such as reggae have been so interlocked with ripping marijuana that no one knows anymore if reggae was a result of grass-smoking-sessions or the use of cannabis was popularised because of reggae.
Chronic aficionados and music have shared a unique bond for years, and studies are now showing weedologists there might be some real science to back it up. While high on ganja our hearing range is enhanced and we perceive sounds at higher frequencies. THC alters our perception of time and space, as it increases our sensitivity which makes us experience songs at a greater intensity. And ultimately, cannabinoids boost the activity in the parietal area of the brain, allowing us to process music differently and establish new relationships with soundscapes that enable a higher level of sonic comprehension.
The Arpabong is intended as a recreational design piece, but also aims to spark a conversation around the benefits of cannabis consumption. Conceived by the artist Verynicensleazy it’s the ultimate instrument: with the Arpabong you can play like an angel and fly closer to God.
Director:Simone Rovellini